Reporter: Yusuf
Matt Brown is the award-winning children's author of the Compton Valance books. His new series includes Aliens Invaded My Talent Show, Mutant Zombies and The Killer Vending machine .Last week, Year 5 pupils had the amazing opportunity to meet up with him and ask a few questions.
Matt Brown talked about how he became an author and shared his ideas about how to write comic adventure stories. Yusuf, a pupil from 5T9, explained Matt Brown’s inspirational way he goes about writing a book. Wherever he goes, he finds something peculiar that catches his eye to put it together at a later time to make a thrilling story. The way he names characters in his book is pretty nifty. You think of a name of your pet and the road that you live on and put them together, for example Yusuf's character would be Roger Holbrook.
Yusuf went on to explain how he was chosen by the author himself to assist him with a maths' trick- which flummoxed the audience. Another incredible trick he did was with cards that left the audience breathless. Not only did the children run home to try out his tricks, they were also inspired to write stories. Matt has a new book coming out in 6 weeks called Killer Vending Machines wrecked my Lunch.
Yusuf will be the first in the queue when the book comes out.
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