Ranelagh commemorates VE Day in Lockdown

Today is VE day , the commemoration of the end of fighting in Europe and the coming of the end of World War 2.
2020 has given us a slight insight into how people may have felt during this time . We are fighting a silent enemy and our bravery and resilience is shining through. Even though we are all in lockdown, the Ranelagh community has managed to collectively collaborate and produce our very own VE Day commemoration video.
The children have been learning about life during World War 2 and produced poems, art and dances. The video can be seen here.Click here for the video
Winston Churchill’s speech 75 years ago began , "My dear friends, this is your hour. This is not victory of a party or of any class. It’s a victory of the great British nation as a whole.” Now, more than ever, we have to collectively come together to stop the spread of the Coronavirus . Your actions over the last 6 weeks have been remarkable and the Ranelagh team can do nothing but thank you.
It is hard, a struggle and at times downright boring, but with our belief and action that we can beat this deadly enemy, there is light at the end of the tunnel .
VE Day is a slither of light during these days to remind us that we can get through this.