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Ranelagh Primary School

Ranelagh Primary School

A Fantastic New Nursery and Reception

Ranelagh’s new EYFS Click here to see the wonderful new space in EYFS

Ranelagh has a brand new EYFS. Its huge playground and interweaving classrooms promotes learning through curiosity and play. The reception classes have a walkway through so the children can independently decide for themselves where they will learn. Creativity is at the heart of all learning - questioning, decision making and problem solving will equip your children for the best start in their educational career.

Ranelagh primary and nursery school recognises developing children’s academic knowledge as well as giving them a solid understanding of social responsibility.

Ranelagh primary and nursery school believes in giving all children opportunities that allow them to develop all of their talents - music, theatre, dance and gardening ( as part of Ranelagh’s edible playground ) to name but a few. 

Ranelagh is a forest school , this allows children to develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on experiences in a natural setting.