Express Yourself - Children's Mental Health Week

This week Ranelagh Primary and Nursery School was awash with different shades of yellow to celebrate Children’s Mental Health Week.
The theme this year was to learn about expressing your thoughts and feelings using a range of ways. This could be through art, music, drama and a few cool dance moves. The pupils took this challenge up with extreme enthusiasm using Lockdown Learning and Google Classroom to share how they could show good mental health.
From singing songs in the Early years to passionate debates in Year 6 the children showed the many ways they could achieve a positive state of mind. Lots of children enjoyed sketching, playing marbles and one even practised beating their own record of solving a rubik cube puzzle as a way of calming down and relaxing. |
Even the parents got in with the act and told staff , during our coffee mornings, how they were keeping good mental health.
‘A daily walk in the park helps get rid of mine and the children’s worries’. One parent was brave enough to ‘switch off the television and just talk to each other’.
The week was rounded off by Ranelagh's Friday celebration assembly - a time when we can all come together, become connected and enjoy each others company.
Due to this pandemic,our children are spending long periods indoors and are unable to see friends and family - now, more than ever, it is important to raise awareness of good mental health and to encourage our children to talk about their feelings.
For more ideas and support on Mental Health for you and your family see or speak to a member of staff for more information.