Celebrating Autism Awareness

Ranelagh's Inclusion Ambassadors wanted to promote our excellent practice so decided to celebrate duricng Autism Awareness week. Autism awareness is not something that is isolated to one week at Ranelagh Primary but it’s something that we promote each and every day. This can be seen in the classrooms, in outside play as well as in the lessons that teachers plan.
The children themselves are experts on this and displayed their substantial knowledge of Autism and how they can support children with this. "You should not be loud because some children might feel upset" said Yousuf in Year 1. Eliza observed "Some people might feel confused when there are so many people around them so don't be rude if they don't want to play with you"
Although we could not have our legendary cake sale to raise funds for this worthwhile cause, this did not dampen the children’s spirits as on Wednesday 31st March the children had the chance to dress up in all shades of blue and boy did they do this!