Book Hut Comes to Ranelagh

As the famous quote by Dr Seuss states,
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
Reading is the backbone of Ranelagh. In these times of financial insecurity, books are an added expense to the decisions you make. As a school, we make sure that all your children take home a book that they can read to you, or you can read to them.
This year, thanks to the hard work of Mrs Sheikh, we were successful in our application to get free books for all the children of Ranelagh through the Children's Book Project , a charity which asks for us to recycle books. As a result, all children visited our new Pop-Up Book Hut and its treasure trove of books, and choose a book to keep for themselves. They will receive a free book each term, and we will keep you updated. Don't forget our Ranelagh Recommends
Remember that reading to your child is a brilliant way of raising their love of books, but also their achievement in life. You can take your child to your local library where they can find books that they will love .Newham Local Libraries.