Mental Health Week at Ranelagh!

There are times when we all feel the strain, when things feel overwhelming. As parents/carers and teachers, there are many ways in which we can help ourselves and our children to stay emotionally healthy.
At Ranelagh Primary , we will once again be celebrating Children's Mental Health Week from 5th-11th February 2024. This year's theme will be ‘ My voice Matters.’
During the week, we will be encouraging the children (and adults!) to consider how they have grown emotionally and what they can do to help each other to grow and adapt- despite the challenges and setbacks we may face. We will talk about how we can try new things which may often be out of our comfort zone , making us more resilient and to help us make the right choices.
On Friday 9th February 2024, we will celebrate mental healthiness by dressing up in a fun way which allows us to express ourselves!
So let's ditch that uniform and dig out those dotty dresses, Jazzy Jumpers and Wacky Wigs and use this opportunity to express the wonderful you.
You matter and your voice matters!
If you would like further information about how to help your children at home see