The Amazing Race!
In the Spring term the School Council held yet another successful event in aide of Red Nose Day. Using our newly designed playground at the front of the school, they ran a ‘10p Race.’ Every class brought in 10p coins as a donation for the charity, which were then collected up by members of the School Council. The school councillors then placed the coins, one by one, along lines marked in the playground to measure the total distance accumulated by each individual class.
The winning lines belonged to Year 5, measuring over 12.25 metres, and worth over £50! A close second was 6T8 with a line length of 11.03 metres and a value of £45 and third went to 1M7 with their line measuring over 8.8 metres and worth £36! As a school we managed to raise over £320 for Red Nose Day – well done and thank you School Council!