Ranelagh Helps Change the World
The children at Ranelagh Primary School have once again taken action to raise global awareness about a variety of planetary issues. Inspired by their learning in the Ranelagh Curriculum, the children across the school took it upon themselves to create their very own Community Action Projects, aimed at making the world a better place. Last half term the children were learning through the topic Our Planet Earth, which had every year group from Nursery to Year 6, studying a different region or biome across the world: Year 1 learned about oceans and seas, Year 3 the rainforest, Year 5 extreme environments and Year 6 explored climate change and sustainability. Moved by their learning the children were amazingly keen to get involved and help out. |
Each year group researched a charity to support, linked to their studies, and planned an action that they could carry out to raise awareness and garner support from the local community. Stalls were then set out spanning the Key Stage One playground and manned by children and members of the PTA who tirelessly promoted and campaigned for their causes. Year 6 decorated canvas bags with stunning Mexican-themed artwork in aide of the devastating earthquake that struck Mexico, Year 4 hand crafted beautiful ‘aboriginal’ bookmarks to sponsor a desert animal, Year 2 made frosted ‘ice cakes’ to raise awareness of the melting polar ice caps and reception held a tea party for parents and carers in support of the NSPCC, to name but a few of the many exciting actions that took place that day.
Mrs Lawrenson, Head Teacher at Ranelagh, was thrilled with the dedication and social responsibility that the children in our school continue to demonstrate, commenting, “It’s events like these that make our school such a special place. Ranelagh firmly believes in ensuring the children become global citizens, equipped with the knowledge and ability to make change for a better world.” The event was a huge success and enjoyed by parents and children alike. And what’s more, everyone went home happy knowing that they helped make the world a better place. Well done Ranelagh!