Our School follows a Social Inclusion model. Every child has equal access to The Ranelagh Curriculum. The children learn with and from each other.
The core subjects (English, Maths and Science) are taught separately, but where possible, links are made so that the learning is put into context. The Ranelagh Curriculum ensures that the skills of the foundation subjects are taught in an innovative and inspirational manner. We provide our children with a broad and balanced curriculum that is not only relevant to their needs but is rooted in experiences that allow our children to ‘be the best that they can be.'
Early reading is taught using a synthetic phonics programme RWI -Click here for Information For Parents
As you are aware, Ranelagh believes in fostering and promoting independent learning. We teach history, geography, DT, art and music in an innovative and inspirational manner, centred around our children's ideas. Pupils are encouraged to explore and express their thoughts about what they want to learn and this is then planned into the curriculum. All pupils at Ranelagh, from EYFS to Year 6, express their thoughts and ideas about what they want to learn. This is then forged into their very own unique 'Ranelagh Curriculum.' Further information on our curriculum can be found here Curriculum Overviews or speak to our subject leaders: English Lead - Ms Scott Phonics Lead - Miss Mahmood Maths Lead - Mrs Barzoi Computing Lead - Mr Chowdhury RE Lead - Miss Khanom Science Lead - Mrs Afshan PE Lead - Miss Tessier Geography Lead - Miss De Souza History Lead - Mrs Sheikh Art Lead - Mrs Bahra DT Lead - Mrs Begum PSHCE and RSHE lead - Mrs Zaman Music Lead - Miss Jacquot |