School Attainment
School Attainment Information
The children at Ranelagh Primary school make higher than national average progress. It is incredible to see that with a curriculum that allows every aspect of a child to flourish, this in turn supports academic progress. Please see the published report, here 2023-2024
Further information on the school's performance can be found here as well as in the document attached below.
Ranelagh Wins award for Exceptional Results
Ranelagh Primary School has been nationally recognised for its exceptional 2015 performance by the Schools, Students and Teachers network (SSAT). Educational Outcomes data analysis from SSAT has shown that Ranelagh has been placed in the top 10% in the country for achievement and children's progress. The children at Ranelagh have made exceptional progress in Reading, Writing and Maths and this is significantly higher than the national average, compared with other UK schools. Ranelagh is delighted to boast that we are now among the top 10% of schools in the country! (Please view the award here).
Sue Williamson, Chief Executive of SSAT said: "It’s my great pleasure to commend Ranelagh Primary School on their excellent 2015 performance, and to have the opportunity to highlight and share their great work at the SSAT Educational Outcomes celebration event. I have the privilege of visiting a lot of schools and I am always impressed by the creativity of teachers in engaging and inspiring their students." "I hope that SSAT’s Educational Outcomes award will highlight the professionalism, commitment and hard work of the leaders, teachers and students at Ranelagh Primary School. Recognising and sharing successes like this is at the heart of SSAT’s mission, so I’m delighted to congratulate Ranelagh Primary School on their achievement." |
Department of Education Award
We are delighted to annouce that we have been recognised for our amazing progress, across the whole school, in learning and have been awarded £1000 from the Department of Education . The Minister for Schools, David Laws MP, congratulated us on our wonderful achievement. The award is only given to schools that have consistently high attainment at Key Stage 2.
Well done to all pupils and teachers for their hard work!
And a huge thank you for your continued support.
To find out more information about this award please go to