Year 1 Spellings
We teach spellings as part of our daily English lessons, focusing on different spelling patterns and rules. Below are some of the main spelling rules that are covered throughout the year.
Year 2 Spellings
We teach spellings as part of our daily English lessons, focusing on different spelling patterns and rules. Below are some of the main spelling rules that are covered throughout the year.
Year 3 spellings
We teach spellings as part of our daily English lessons, focusing on different spelling patterns and rules. Below are some of the main spelling rules that are covered throughout the year.
Year 4 Spellings
We teach spellings as part of our daily English lessons, focusing on different spelling patterns and rules. Below are some of the main spelling rules that are covered throughout the year.
Year 5 Spellings
We teach spellings as part of our daily English lessons, focusing on different spelling patterns and rules. Below are some of the main spelling rules that are covered throughout the year alongside the National Curriculum word lists for Years 5 and 6 (see attached below).
Year 6 Spellings
We teach spellings as part of our daily English lessons, focusing on different spelling patterns and rules. Below are some of the main spelling rules that are covered throughout the year alongside the National Curriculum word lists for Years 5 and 6 (see attached below).